ILNAS recognition
Astron ears ILNAS recognition for normalization efforts
Astron is proud to announce that recent contribution to the development of new or revised standards, such as for example the new draft ISO 59040 "PCDS-product circularity data sheet", has been acknowledged by the Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l'Accréditation, de la Sécurité et qualité des produits et services (ILNAS).
We are pleased to share that ILNAS has awarded the "Délégué national en normalization" title to our colleague René Oly, the Innovation and Methods Manager at Astron.
This recognition underscores Astron's dedication to advancing international standards within the construction industry. We extend our congratulations to René Oly.
From left to right on the below picture: Mr. Jean-Marie Reiff, ILNAS Director, René Oly, Innovation and Methods Manager at Astron Buildings and Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert, ILNAS Deputy Director.