Duracon srl
Firma Viancons SRL a fost infiintata in anul 1994 si pe intreaga perioada de functionare a desfasurat numeroase proiecte de constructii de medie si mare anvergura dintre care enumeram doar cateva:
- Alimentarea cu apa in comuna Soimus, unde am realizat inclusiv subtraversarea raului Mures pentru magistrala de apa.
- Alimentarea cu gaz in comuna Soiumus, inclusiv bransamentele individuale
- Ferme de cresterea porcilor pentru Smithfield Ferme S.R.L, un proiect complex unde s-au realizat 4 hale mixte (beton/metal) pe o suprafata de 8000 mp, intreaga instalatie de canalizare, foraje, bazinele de decantare a dejectiilor si sistematizarea si imprejmuirea. Proiecctul a fost un succes din punctul de vedere al calitati si al timpului de executie
Firma Viancons avea in anul 2006 un numar de 250 de angajati cu o baza de productie proprie si cu ateliere de tamplarie si de prelucrarea metalului. In anul 2012 firma Viancons s-a transformat in firma Duracon SRL, firma care a pastrat sediul, personalul TESA si baza de productie a firmei anterioare. Firma are in patrimoniu numeroase utilaje printre care enumeram 2 Buldo-excavatoare Komasu, autoutilitara trnsport materiale de 15 tone,cap tractor cu remorca de 27 mc, cilindru vibrocompactor de 18 tone, autogreder de 15.5 tone, betoniera de 9 mc, compresoare pe roti, generatoare de curent, schele, masini de transport persoane si materiale, platforme de transport, masini de taiat asfalt, utilaje de mica mecanizare etc. Firma Duracon are momentan pe statul de plata un numar de 22 de angajati, dar are un potential de angajare de pana la 200 de angajati. Avem personal calificat pentru a obtine toate avizele necesare demarari oricarui proiect. Avem o vasta experienta in construirea halelor industriale, firma fiind omologata in montajul halelor metalice in sistem Astron si totodata a lucrariilor de retele de apa canal si gaz.
Duracon srl
DURACON SRL company was founded in the year 1994 and during the years managed numerous medium and big project as followed :
- Water supply infrastructure for the commune Soimus, where we took among other challenges the difficult task of undercrossing the Mures river with the main water pipe.
- Gas supply infrastructure for the commune Soimus including the individual connection of each user to the main pipe.
- Pigs farms for Smithfield Ferme S.R.L company, a complex size project where we had to build 4 mix steel/concrete structure with a total of 8000 m2, the entire utility infrastructures (water, sewerage, electrical) earthworks and access platforms. The project was a success in terms of quality and time management.
DURACON had a peak of 250 employees with its own production base, carpentry and metal workshop. The company owns numerous equipments as fallowed: 2 backhoe Komasu, tractor trailer 27 mc, cylinder compactor 18 tons, autogreder weight 15.5 tons, concrete mixer 9 mc, power generators, scaffolding, transporter van for materials and people, transport platforms, asphalt cutting machine, site equipment etc. Duracon company has at the moment 22 employees and has a potential to hire up to 200 employees. We have qualify personnel able to obtain all the necessary approvals needed to start any kind of projects. Our vast experiences stretches over the following fields: industrial halls construction (we are certified erectors by Astron Luxemburg company), utility infrastructures for water sewage and gas.
Duracon srl
str. Iosif Vulcan 60
RO-330055 Deva (Hunedoara)
Mobile: +40 722 342050