Expo Biro d.o.o.
Expo Biro d.o.o. že več kot 20 let omogoča izvedbo najzahtevnejših dogodkov ter sledi novostim in jih tudi uvaja na področju organizacije dogodkov, proizvodnje ponjav, montažnih tribun, gradbenih odrov, dekoracije in dodatne opreme ter skladiščnih šotorov doma kot tudi v tujini. EXPO BIRO želi nuditi svojim partnerjem in odjemalcem primerno opremljen prostor, ki bo zagotavljal doseganje njihovih ciljev na vsaki lokaciji za vse vrste aktivnosti. Z veliko izbiro lahkih gradbenih materialov in šotorov različnih velikosti in oblik vam lahko EXPO BIRO pričara udoben prostor. Ponujamo vam veliko izbiro dodatne opreme, s katerimi lahko šotor spremenite v banketne ali VIP hale na visokem nivoju.
Z našo montažno ekipo uspešno oblikujemo : velike sejemske, športne, kulturne, družabne, in ostale prireditve po celem svetu kot npr. prizorišča formule 1, olimpijske igre...
Expo Biro d.o.o.
For more than 20 years Expo Biro d.o.o. supports the execution of most demanding events and follows the latest achievements. It is well-experienced in the organization of events, the production of tarpaulins, prefabricated grandstands, scaffolding, decorations and accessories and storage tents both in Slovenia and abroad. EXPO BIRO wishes to offer its partners and customers adequately equipped space, which will ensure the achievement of their objectives at each location for all kinds of activities. With a large selection of light construction materials and tents of different sizes and shapes BIRO EXPO can create a comfortable space. We offer a large selection of accessories, which can be changed in a tent or a VIP banquet hall at a high level.
With our installation team we successfully construct tents for:
• Large exhibitions,
• Sport events,
• Cultural events,
• Parties,
• And other events worldwide such as Formula 1, Olympic games …
Expo Biro d.o.o.
Miklavška cesta 57
SI-2311 HOČE
Phone: +386 2 480 58 00
Fax: +386 2 480 58 20