Concord Global Services
It became essential for ConCord Global Services, located in Augsburg (Germany), to create new headquarters in order to step up its activities.
This company is specialised in reverse logistics and helping people, Businesses and communities to embrace sustainable technology. Their motto is repair “Refurbish, rebuild, reuse”, e.g. of machines and technical devices, and the choice of a steel building was then an evidence for its sustainability but also because the material fully meets the customers requirements for an excellent price/quality ratio.
The company decided to construct a modern 900m² building that would employ the latest in architectural and construction techniques. The architect IWK has combined steel and glass in the facades to create an attractive and airy building. The collaboration between Lindab’s engineering team and the experience and know-how of IWK Industriebau, who is a Builder for more than 30 years, resulted in technical solutions fully adapted to ConCord Global Services’ requirements.
Builder: IWK GmbH (Germany)
Customer: ConCord Global Services
Architect: IWK GmbH